We are gearing up to do a huge event in Managua Nicaragua that we are calling Big Feed Nicaragua and we need your help to do it. We are expecting about 20 to 30,000 people to come, and we need people who can play games with the kids, distribute food, and show the love of Jesus. You do not have to have any special talents to join us for this event, just a heart that is eager to spread the love of Christ.
The dates are June 11th-17th, with the big event day happening on the 16th. We have found a new area in Managua that is not only incredibly poor (possibly the poorest we have ever seen) but also incredibly large. We briefly considered working the area with our Missionary Training Students last October but realized that the area was too big for us at the time. We did not forget about the people and their desperate need though, and we are planning to unite with pastors throughout Nicaragua and the U.S. brothers and sisters to take the Gospel message to the people of this area.
If you have ever been to one of our Big Feeds in Mexico this will be similar except much bigger. We expect to distribute at least 30,000 pounds of food on this day. The people are desperately hungry and fight to have just one meal a day. We will not be able to feed the people a hot meal, but every man woman and child will receive food for at least six meals. We will spend all day of the 16th on the field, playing games, music, giving away prizes and food, and preaching the Gospel message. We are excited to be working with many new pastors that are in this area as well as working with many pastors from all over Nicaragua. We will start training these churches in evangelism, as well as uniting the body of Christ together to prepare for this event
This is going to be an incredible event. Please take a moment to watch this short video that shows some of the area and the field we will be working on and prayerfully consider uniting with us in Nicaragua for this event!
God Bless,
Brother Ben
Director, Way of the Cross
PS We have one load of food that will be shipped Monday, and two more loads of food that will prayerfully be shipped the following week. We had a brother that has paid half of all the shipping and we are raising the finances for the rest. If you are not able to go on this event you can join us in prayer or, if the Lord leads, by helping us raise the money to ship these containers of food.

The people of this area are very poor and desperate for food and the love of Jesus.